The summer solstice marks the longest day on 21st June


Celebrated by pagans for centuries as the light reaches its peak for the longest day of the year and summer officially begins. Also known as Midsummer and Litha the flowers are in full bloom, the bees are making honey and life is full of abundance. The whole festival is focused on the light force energy of the sun, what it gives to us and showing gratitude. In the evening after sunset, traditionally bonfires are lit to represent the sun’s glow as celebrations take place through the night to sunrise.

Whilst it may be difficult to imagine the importance of so much light and abundance when we live in a world of electric lighting and food varieties available year round, this time of year was incredibly important and widely celebrated. Life is easier in the summer months, many crops are ready to harvest whilst others such as apples are still growing, the weather is warm and the days longer and lighter. Personally, I always notice how much happier people are when the sun is shining. After the long, hard winter people represent the weather, but when the sun starts to shine in spring, people’s faces do the same. They look up more and smile – I always use the analogy of people being like flowers, and their faces bloom in the beautiful sunlight.

During the summer solstice, herbs and flowers are seen to be at their most powerful so were often used in cleansing and protection rituals. Flowers such as marigold, chamomile and St John’s wort are used as their bright yellow flowers represent the sun. Whilst herbs such as lavender, sage, mint, lemon verbena, meadowsweet, Mugwort and rosemary were harvested and dried in the bright sun for use for the rest of the year to take advantage of them being at their peak medicinal value. They can be used in teas (of course) or made into tinctures or used in cleansing rituals for the home by burning (smudging) them.

Some great ways to celebrate the Summer Solstice which are fun and easily achievable are:

  • Take a walk in the early morning light

  • Bathe in the warm glow of the sun

  • Do some gardening (even if you only have space for a small window box) to connect with the earth and nature

  • Set intentions for the season ahead

  • Begin something new such as a project or setting a goal

  • Practice some simple yoga sun salutations

These are some of my favourite things to do. With my intentions I like to write them down and either plant them in the ground or burn in a fire whilst really concentrating on what I’ve written.

I found this solstice blessing that I would like to share with you, sending you so much love, light and abundance from my heart to yours. I hope you have a wonderful solstice and the summer months bring you a wealth of happiness and fun.

The sun is high above us shining down upon the land and sea, making things grow and bloom. Great and powerful sun, we honour you this day and thank you for your gifts.

Ra, Helios, Sol Invictus, Aten, Svarog, you are known by many names. You are the light over the crops, the heat that warms the earth, the hope that springs eternal, the bringer of life.

We welcome you, and we honour you this day, celebrating your light, as we begin our journey once more into the darkness.
